Being healthy is a top priority for nearly everyone. Staying healthy in a sustainable manner, especially for men over 40, is very important. I think a lot of us can agree that middle-age looks good on a man who takes care of himself. Handsome, distinguished, wise, and stable- all very fine traits!

For men, midlife is a time of coming into their own and making mindful and effective changes in their lifestyles to lessen the risk of more common conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, adrenal dysfunction, and more.

There are some really amazing ways to tweak your lifestyle and prevent something serious from occuring. They’re simple enough to incorporate, so that the focus can remain on this easy going new chapter of your journey!


Of all of the beneficial things we can do for our health, what we put into our mouths takes the cake. Now, don’t go eating a lot of cake! And may we also suggest gluten-free, dairy free, soy free, cake while we’re at it? But seriously, we are finding more diseases and conditions to be caused by certain foods. Diets that are high in animal protein, processed foods, sugars, and carbs are direct causes of serious health concerns.  Especially for the middle aged man, changes should be made to include much more raw and organic fruits and veggies. There is a stigma surrounding gluten and debate on who should truly be “gluten-free”, and as men age their digestive system slows and the ability to process gluten and it’s highly inflammatory effects diminishes. This creates strain, pain, and weight gain. Luckily, there are a lot of delicious alternatives! It’s so simple to add more servings of raw and fresh fruits and vegetables, and to be mindful of foods that come with more words we can’t pronounce than ones we can. A basic rule of thumb when it comes to diet: No gluten, soy, dairy, processed foods, or sugars should be consumed on a daily basis. Keep it minimal. Of course, when it comes to a specialized diet you should consult with a Naturopathic Doctor or Nutritionist to create a meal plan specific to your needs. It’s also a great idea to have a Micronutrient Test Panel to determine your deficiencies, so that your Naturopathic Doctor can create a diet plan to fit what you need the most.

Hit the Gym!

For the middle aged man, exercise is almost just as important as diet when it comes to your optimal health. A good workout regimen will provide hormone support, proper detox, immune building, and stress relief. Stress alone could be a little high for man when he hits 40, and stress wreaks havoc all across the board. We are talking libido issues, digestive issues, blood pressure problems, weight gain, and more. A sedentary lifestyle for men over 40 could cause major problems. Working out is essential to your lifestyle, and if it could be packaged as a medication or supplement it would make billions. We suggest trying things like weight training, cardio, yoga, and meditation. If you have any concerns when it comes to what exercise may be right for you, work with your Naturopathic Doctor to create a proper routine based on your needs. The best exercise is the one you will actually do.  

Smoking and Drinking

If you’ve spent most of your adult life over-indulging in booze and cigarettes, now is the perfect time to take effective steps in quitting. Especially if you’re a smoker! Not only is smoking cigarettes a steady stream of poison being inhaled directly into the body, it’s a great way of ensuring that your body is being depleted of several essential vitamins and minerals. Smoking cigarettes literally takes away the body’s natural ability to absorb vitamins like Niacin, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, and it increases the generation of free radicals which leads to tissue damage and can result in serious disease.  However, the intake of alcohol, especially red wine, can be beneficial when consumed in moderation. But now that you’ve reached this time in your life, reducing your intake greatly can decrease risk of associated side effects. Supplementing with glutamine, niacin, and working with your Naturopathic Doctor to find ways to fight cravings have proven to be very beneficial for men who may need some help making these changes. This doesn’t mean the party is over! This means that your party can really begin! Everything in moderation, right?

Great Supplements for Middle-Aged Male Support

Having a daily intake of supplements and herbal medicines tailored to the male body will provide excellent support for optimal health. Even if you’re exercising, eating clean, and getting good sleep, daily stresses and environmental toxins can inhibit the body’s natural absorption and production of things we really need. Also, at this age, we may need more amounts of certain things than before to lower risk of aches, pains, symptoms and disease. Here are just a few excellent supplements and herbs. Of course, there’s no intention to diagnose or treat any serious condition here. A personalized approach is best. Please check with your Naturopathic Doctor for your correct dosage and interactions with other medications you maybe taking.

  • Glucosamine- This supplement has been studied and proven to be just as effective as maximum strength ibuprofen. When it comes to aging and joint pain, we know that pain and strain can be all too real. This supplement provides regeneration for cartilage, ligaments, and bone support so that you don’t have to worry about joint damage and can work out and live an active lifestyle.
  • CoQ10- For energy and heart issues, this is the number one supplement middle aged men can turn to. It supports healthy arteries, veins, heart function, and provides the body with help for immunity and fatigue.
  • Hawthorn- This incredible herb is regarded and praised for it’s amazingly effective support for heart health.  But that’s not all it can treat! It’s good for regulating and lowering LDL cholesterol, lowering fats in the liver and aorta, and regulating blood pressure. It does this by increasing the production of bile and stimulating antioxidant activity.  
  • Omegas- 3,6, and 9. You need them all for heart health, skin health, energy, digestion, and cellular health. You can get these from certain foods like chia seeds or finding a great all natural product that can give you all the essentials you need.
  • Boron- This element affects the way the body responds to and absorbs magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. This is important for bone health, mental health, and hormone function. It’s also been shown to prevent diabetes, strengthen bones, help with skin issues, prevent yeast, prevent arthritis, and assist in preventing or treating prostate issues.
  • Vitamin D- Men need real vitamin d and the best way to get this is from the magical sun! Make a point to wake up at the same time every morning and spend at least 20 minutes in the morning sun. You could enhance this by standing on your lawn or soil with no shoes on. Grounding plus vitamin D?! The best!
  • DHEA- This is considered a hormone and an important one. It’s produced mainly by the adrenal glands and as men age, this production decreases. A good BHRT (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy) regimen may be necessary in some situations. But there are several good products available for this as well.
  • IV Therapy- Naturopathic Doctors widely suggest the use of IV Nutrition Therapy and it’s endless benefits. We use a comprehensive blood panel that tests your micronutrient levels to help us detect and effectively treat any deficiencies you may have. Receiving essential nutrients intravenously ensures that the active forms of the vitamins and minerals are absorbed by our cells, bypassing the liver and eliminating the potential for them to be discarded by the body.  We recommend seeking a provider that specializes in IV therapy and it’s proper use.

While all of these are great options, please work with your healthcare professional to indicate supplements and dosages that are specific to your body’s needs.

We have so much respect for men! Their love of strength, honor, responsibility, and providing are qualities to be recognized. These simple and effective lifestyle changes are sure to prolong your life, prevent serious conditions, and solidify why we all so love and appreciate the distinguished, aged man! Please note that these suggestions are not meant to diagnose or treat any disease, but sharing our advice is a privilege we hold dear. In any case, finding a Naturopathic Doctor is the best way to ensure you’re getting the best care when it comes to what’s best for your health goals and needs.